Everything always has ending
That only with cold head
You could see it clearly
And when the time has come
Do not be afraid to falling in love
We never know
Who will going to leaving or staying
Is like seasons who approach accidentally
And always changing follows the time shoes
But also it will comes back
As it started


Yesterday one child had asked me,
‘Lee, what is your resolution this year?’
At that time I answer without thinking,
‘My resolution? I wanna make up my failure last year.’
‘That’s all?’
‘Yeah that’s all.’

Then, when I came back to the hotel, I remember that conversation and I start to thinking. I review what I had said to that kid.
“I wanna make up my failure last year.”
What is my failure?And suddenly I laughing.

Before I talk about my failure I supposed to review my achievement first. But what is my achievement? I have no idea.

All I have today totally kind of daydreaming. All those tours, meet fabulous and wonderful people around the world that sometimes meet them just like a dream for, visiting different countries and so on.
Those kind of life more like a dream than a reality. And one moment I need to open my eyes and realize that it only a dream, no more. I remember on one of the Avril’s song, my head was up in space and I need come back down to earth.

The question is, how I have to come down? Harshly fell down? climbing down? Or just simply put my step one to another to walking down. Whatever it is, it’s the best way I have.

So I think this is my resolution,


When the moon is dancing
And the wind is smiling
I’m standing here
In restless and lonely
Just before in my sleep
The sea shore to the coast
Wave waving to the heart
I hope I could hear something
When the day comes to the rain
And even if it would be the end
But still nothing
In my dream
Stranger hand gets mine
As though saying that was fine
What was fine is?
Do you think
If we loving for thousands times
We will see thòusands different worlds?
No one knows
That’s the reason I keep walking
In my dream